Energy Audit and Energy Analysis
Company Background
Valquest has extensive experience in the performance of Energy Audit and Energy Analysis activities; this includes such diverse projects as schools, hospitals, manufacturing plants, office facilities and shopping centers. Valquest has also developed and maintained specialized forms for the efficient auditing and tabulation of energy consuming elements.
Program Approach and Methodology
Phase I
- Phase I consists of analyzing the energy history of a facility using prior year utility history. Initially construction documents are reviewed to perform a cursory inspection of a facility to determine construction type, physical condition of structure, internal loads, central plant and operational parameters. Subsequently, results of the utility history and inspection are compared to a generic facility type. An estimate of potential energy savings, "ballpark" cost estimate of implementation and recommended course of action is developed.
Phase II (Optional)
Phase II consists of a detailed energy audit and energy analysis. The energy analysis will include a final report, which will contain the estimated cost benefit of alternate energy conservation measures. This phase of the program will include the following:
- A complete energy audit of all energy consuming elements within and adjacent to the facility will be conducted. This includes all exterior parking, security or other lighting. Client will receive a copy of all audit information.
- An inspection of the following facility systems will also be conducted: control systems for lighting and HVAC, central plant, air handling and domestic hot water systems. A report defining the present operating condition of the equipment and recommended repairs of parts replacement will be produced.
- Maintenance and operating procedures based on interviews with maintenance personnel will be tabulated. A list of improvements will be prepared based on a thorough analysis of these procedures.
- Using the information obtained above, a total facility energy analysis will be performed. The methodology used in this analysis procedure will involve the utilization of an hour-by-hour, Transfer Function Method, environmental simulation program developed by Valquest. Site specific solar and weather information will be obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
- Administration data files.
Using the results of the energy analysis, potential Energy Conservation Measures (ECM's) are devised. These ECM's may include new equipment, changes in operating conditions, addition, deletion or modification of controls, building passive solar additions, etc.; or any combination of the above. - After the list of ECM's has been prepared, alternate scheme analysis will be performed on selected ECM's. Detailed analysis of ECM's will include a comparison to a base scheme representing the existing system and operational configuration. Subsequently, these ECM's will be ranked in order of greatest cost benefit, highest energy reduction and lowest investment cost.
- A final report will be submitted which will include all recommended maintenance and operating procedures and Energy Conservation Measures. This final report will be prepared in such a manner that Client will be able to decide to proceed with Phase III and/or Phase IV using in-house staff or seek outside professional services.
Phase III (Optional)
Specific energy conservation recommendations based on cost effectiveness and overall value will be selected. This phase of the program will include the following:
- Analyze Phase II ECM's comprehending Client objectives and budget constraints. Perform life-cycle, simple payback or other cost analyses to insure a match between Client objectives and Phase II ECM's.
- Select specific ECM's and assist Client in the preparation and presentation of program to fund approval authority. Attend presentation, if requested, to assist in explanation of program and for general technical support.
Phase IV (Optional)
Specifications and documents necessary for execution of Phase III selected ECM's will be prepared. This phase of the program will include the following:
- Prepare detailed equipment specification and design documents required for the purchase and installation of equipment. If requested, assist Client in the purchase and installation of equipment; including on-site inspection and verification of proper operation.
- Assist Client in the implementation of selected ECM operating procedures resulting from Phase III. Follow-up implementation after suitable time frame to insure proper system integration.
Valquest can usually provide an Energy Audit and Energy Analysis Service for 50% of the Estimated Energy Savings for the first year realized as a result of the recommended ECM's, which meet Client specifications on the project.